"Proactiv not only keeps my skin acne-free, it leaves my skin glowing, vibrant and fresh. I love this stuff!"-Jessica Simpson
"I noticed an immediate change in the smoothness of my skin: fewer bumps, less redness. I've been a loyal customer for the past six years."-Vanessa William
"Once I started using Proactiv, within a week and a half, my skin was completely different. Every day there were fewer pimples on my face. Now I have nice skin!"-Jennifer Love Hewitt
"Every time you talk to somebody, you're presenting yourself. When you have acne, sometimes you feel like they're not listening to you; they're kinda just staring at your acne."-Kevin Kasper
"With Proactiv's help, I feel good about myself. And when I feel good about myself, I play better. It's amazing what belief in yourself and a winning attitude can do. It's amazing what good skin care can do, too."- Serena William
How Proactiv work: Even though there's no cure for acne, Proactiv Solution treats acne safely and effectively by attacking it at the source, where a build-up of dead skin cells and bacteria clogs your pores.
1) Renewing Cleanser: "Tiny, smooth beads unclog the pore and help remove dead skin cells. Benzoyl peroxide penetrates deep to attack bacteria."
2) Revitalizing Toner: "A gentle alcohol-free formula helps to balance skin tone and remove dead skin cells, while preparing the pore for the Repairing Lotion."
3) Repairing Lotion: "Finely milled benzoyl peroxide penetrates deep into the pore to attack bacteria, healing existing blemishes and preventing new ones from forming."
Renewing Cleanser:
"A unique oil-free formula that contains smooth, tiny beads to gently exfoliate dead skin cells and other impurities, plus prescription-grade benzoyl peroxide to penetrate pores, attack bacteria and heal blemishes fast. "
Revitalizing Toner:
"A refreshing, alcohol-free toner that helps balance skin tone and remove dead skin cells to reveal the vital, radiant skin beneath. Contains our special formulation to balance skin's natural acids, witch hazel to refine and purify pores, aloe and chamomile to soothe and soften, plus allantoin to stimulate the grown of healthy tissue. Removes excess surface oil without drying, leaving skin even-toned and soft."
Repairing Lotion:"A light, oil-free lotion contains finely milled prescription-grade benzoyl peroxide to heal blemishes and helps prevent future breakouts. The advanced delivery system in Repairing Lotion is safe for your entire face."
So proactiv is a great acne treatment for many people. But for me, that's another story! I have occasional mild acne. I decided to try it since I heard thousands of people raving about this product. Proactiv did not hydrate or make my skin look healthy as stated in their ads. Instead my face was so flaky after just 3 days of using it. Although I have combination skin, this product makes my face so dry! Imagine if using it for a month.....my skin would probably feel like chalk or I'll look a like a mummy! EEEWWWW The moisturizer is light, but you need to wear a bit more than you should so that your face don't feel like a paper sand. It's good that all 3 products come in bottles so that you don't contaminate them when using. The repairing lotion is oil-free, therefore your face will not feel oily all day long. There is no SPF, so you have to wear a sunblock lotion over which result into oily face at the end of the day!
ll give props to how easy it is to use. 3 easy steps: cleanse, tone and moisturize. How easy it that?! The smell....well.... it's fragrance free, so it smells like plants or herb scent. I personally don't like the scent, although I like the fact that it's fragrance free. Basically Proactiv was a total waste of $$, and did not even clear the pimple! All I got was dry, flaky skin! Au revoir
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